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The Writing Container

So many people I have met along my personal and spiritual journey have said that they should write a book based on their life experiences. The truth is, we all have a story to tell, but writing a book is more than just putting words on a page. It can be an emotional journey though past experiences that aren't always easy to filter though. This is where I come in ... 

As your Writing Coach I am not just here to help you organize your thoughts to find a though line for your manuscript. I am here to support you through current and past discomforts, giving you the space to emotionally process and integrate all that comes up along the way. In 6 months. I don't believe in rushing through this process, but it also doesn't need to take years. With my guidance, my hope is that writing your manuscript will offer you a healing an transformative experience, while making it relatable and captivating for your audience.

Working With Me

Do you want to share your story but don't know where to start?

As a certified coach my job is to support you through ALL aspects of writing your manuscript. The fun and the challenging, the known and the unknown, and everything in between. In our sessions together I will draw from my extensive toolbox to guide you to ...​

  • find you empowered voice

  • discover the through line for your story

  • organize your content with a powerful structure

  • be of service to the world with your unique story

  • experience transformation through your writing

  • structural editing*


When writing your story it is common to come up against blocks and get caught in emotional loops. With this understanding I will help you to navigate your inner world through ...

  • compassionately guided self inquiry

  • grounding practices

  • visualization and somatic work

  • intuitive guidance 


What is Structural Editing? I'm glad you asked. Structural editing is everything to do with the more linear parts of writing. With this I ...

  • proofread each chapter as they are written

  • make light edit suggestions to your written work 

  • ensure chapter and manuscript flow


This program is your all access pass - You will also get extra special perks, for FREE!

  • Not Your Average Book Club ($198 value)

  • WhatsApp Coaching (Mon - Fri 9-5)


How Does It Work?

This program requires dedication from both you and I - which I assure you I have, and I'm sure you do too. My job is to support your questions and ask ones that will keep you moving forward thought the process, so that you can always see the finish line. I am committed to showing up for you. In addition to the above, here is what this program offers and requires: 


​Weekly 45 min. coaching calls

1 chapter written weekly

finish first draft manuscript in 24 weeks

Full compilation of your finished manuscript

Direction towards the layout and publishing process



Starting at at:

$5555 (paid in full)

monthly plans also available


Your story is important and deserves to be heard!


Let's connect. 



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